
Showing posts from May, 2022

AffirmMe 17: Last Words

  Last Words You have been a wonderful journey and I thank  you for being a sight worth looking at and learning from. And of course I owe you an apology for skipping some days without affirming you. But I want you to remember that a Queen is worth more writings. Am still writing you often....

AffirmMe 16: Worth Waiting For

Worth Waiting For The truth is I wouldn't have experienced you if I hadn't waited in hope of someone to walk by someday. And of course I can't say you're the complete picture of what I imagined, no. That's why sometimes we argue n fight🙃We'll keep on with that to bring out the complete picture. I fight you with my eyes casted on the beautiful you, and it's worth waiting to see the results of that fight even if it means I have to do it over and over again. It's worth it.. You might not be there yet and I might not be there yet, you might not be the picture I picture yet and I might not be your picture yet, but trust me we're a work in progress. Can't say it's an easy process of progress, but you're a destination worth waiting for. There ain't progress without process. #Trust the process✌️

AffirmMe 15: Worth your Choice

  Worth your Choice Am just another person like you who is trying to get by and get things right for you every time. But I fail sometimes and you still choose me with my flaws. Your constant decision to choose me gets me on my knees asking God to help me be indeed worth your daily choice. You deserve the best, am working towards being your best...

AffirmMe 14: Oil of Gladness

    Oil of Gladness I cannot deny the fact that sometimes God hides His works in the little things that people do. That I see the goodness which lies in your smile and laugh, it can only be God in your smile and laugh. Because I still cannot explain it how I get encouraged, strong and confident whenever I see you smile or laugh. God hides in you.

AffirmMe 13: I'll be with you

  I'll be with you Let me be realistic Let me help you with this statistic, and give you my real characteristic : I would love to be with you always, but am sorry I can't To feed you, clothe you, protect you, take you out on dates, shopping and more; All these sometimes will need me to leave your side, and work I'll need that to be a proud husband who can lead, protect you and provide for you...So if you thought I'll be there with you always, am sorry, I guess am not the right candidate.

AffirmMe 12 : The Difference is You

  The Difference is You  Sometimes we are too focused on looking for a difference which a person makes, and forgetting the difference that brings about that difference. To see a difference with that person, realise that she or he is a difference. Recognising that the person who you have is unique is a game changer. See it, you got a difference with you buddy!!!

AffirmMe 11: My Both Sides

  My Both Sides  You see, life has got both right and unpleasant sides (one that makes you feel left out sometimes). And it's a blessing when you have someone who can be there with you both in those moments that feel good and those that don't. That person is not just your right partner, but a partner in the left (unpleasant) moments too. That person got all your sides; turn to the right and left, look up and down - and you shall see that person there with you...

AffirmMe 10 : Words Ain't Enough

  Words Ain't Enough Well, practically sometimes like today I didn't know what to write about. Not because there ain't things to write about, but because words are missing articulation. And yesterday I missed having this written coz I fell asleep as I thought of the perfect words to use, none came though. It's a nice feeling though...

AffirmMe 09 : For Each Other

  For each other Arguments and fights are inevitable where two people are, but the question is who do you fight? Who do you argue with? Argue and fight for each other people, don't fight each other nor argue with each other. For each other is the best...

AffirmMe 08 : Good to have you

  Good to have you Okay yeees it sounds very affectionate to tell hear that someone misses you. But being truthful, it's not good to be missing the person you ought to have. God already said it's not good for you to be alone, He saw something missing in you and that was the person who He gave you. Something must go wrong when you miss what you need to have. It's good to have what you're missing, it's not good to miss what you should have. Pal, it's good to have you. In God's eyes it's good when I don't miss you. Be here, okay? What do you say?

AffirmMe 07 : Waiting to be seen

  Waiting to be seen You will agree with me that it hurts when you have your eyes on someone who is not even aware of you. Oh boy, it is neither easier to remain there with a hope that probably someday you will be seen. But hey it takes courage to step forth and hope that you will be seen by the person who is not seeing you yet. Am so grateful that she too the first step. She saw me first before I saw her and she as well took the first step to say hi. It was along those lines that I began to see her too. Wow, life is interesting. How did you see each other?

AffirmMe 06 : Silent but Loud

  Silent But Loud Does it happen to you that you can have silent conversations but the most beautiful ones? Yeah it's not every time that you will be talking, sometimes you will run out of stories. But the most beautiful story that you ever tell is that story that you tell when you're silent. A story that both of you understand, share smiles and share deep things that words cannot utter. Not everyone can talk in silence but you gotta see this one...

AffirmMe 05 : Naturalistic

Naturalistic Now, this is solely her. She is not a fan of makeup, though she does here and there. But she's the most beautiful natural beauty I ever see. Beauty is natural with her with or without makeup.

AffirmMe 04 : Sweet tongue

  Sweet Tongue You see, sometimes the reason you talk to a person is because of how you get to feel when your ears gets to grasp the additives in the voice of that person. Some people are not easy to talk to, but they become easy to talk to because on their tongue is honeyic words. Pal, you're sweet to talk to and I like every conversation we get to have. You're pleasantly tongued.

AffirmMe 03 : God's piece

  Fearfully Made Wow, have you ever looked at a person and saw beyond that person? Like seeing God's craft in him or her? Yep, I see God's piece when I look at you, you are so like Him and to that I tremble. He just made you so wonderful...

AffirmMe 02 : Sense Driver

  Sense Driver Do you have that person who drives you crazy and you're mad about? I used to like those statements hahaa, but today I have something new I found out about this person : I rather get sensible than crazy and mad about this person. I found out that whenever am around her, I end up seeing things in their clear view. No, she does not drive me crazy, she doesn't make me mad for her. I like her that my senses get awakened afresh. We argue, we miss each other like for real but in all things, things make sense. I live in sense than madness or craziness. What do you say?

AffirmMe 01 : Sun-Out shiner

  Sun-Out shiner I called this first affirmation as Sun-Out shiner;  You know, it is very interesting and so thoughtful how you can see just one person among billions of people on this earth, and your heart gets to beat for that person, your eyes get to notice the presence of that person. Wow, how are you able to just see that one person among the many? To me, because that person shines brighter than anybody else. It occurred to  me that the sun shines upon every person during the day, but there must be a difference on the light it shines upon that one person that you see. I thought, that one person is able to catch the eyes of the sun and get the sun shine brighter upon that person and exactly that person gets to exhibit more light than anyone else in your world. And you see him, you see her. That person is a sun-out shiner, that person shines brighter to the point of catching the eyes of the sun and the sun just releases light just for that person. Are you seeing this? ...


Hie good people, I am quite late coming here but I really have this project that am working on called 'AffirmMe'. I was inspired by someone to embark on this journey of articulating affirmative words for this month of May. So far, it is an interesting journey where am realising how much am able to see and then translate my sight into such these words. Today will be Day 09, but I will post all the expressions from Day 01 to this very day. I hope you will enjoy them too, see you in the next post.