Talk the Matter
Talk the Matter Hello there, I hope you are doing great. For me, yeah am pretty. Well, I feel like I have something we can share today. I feel this may help a lot of us, of course those of us who are in pursuit trying to update our status, those of us whose status is already updated or even those who marriage has sealed our status. I happened to have had a little chat with this good cool handsome bro and he asked me something that replayed itself in my mind today. Summarised, he asked me: “For some days now I haven’t had a normal conversation with my lady, she’s always like in moods and am messing up when I try to work things out. I did something she said it’s okay if I do, and now she’s telling me she’s not comfortable with me doing that very same thing she said it’s okay for her. I said cool I will stop but why didn’t you just tell me earlier and she’s like she’s been giving me signs etc....we tried to talk further about it but eeeh ngati ndulakwitsanso, zutopetsa..i...