Talk the Matter


Talk the Matter

Hello there, I hope you are doing great. For me, yeah am pretty. Well, I feel like I have something we can share today. I feel this may help a lot of us, of course those of us who are in pursuit trying to update our status, those of us whose status is already updated or even those who marriage has sealed our status. I happened to have had a little chat with this good cool  handsome bro and he asked me something that replayed itself in my mind today. Summarised, he asked me:

“For some days now I haven’t had a normal conversation with my lady, she’s always like in moods and am messing up when I try to work things out. I did something she said it’s okay if I do, and now she’s telling me she’s not comfortable with me doing that very same thing she said it’s okay for her. I said cool I will stop but why didn’t you just tell me earlier and she’s like she’s been giving me signs etc....we tried to talk further about it but eeeh ngati ndulakwitsanso, zutopetsa..if it was you, what would you have done?” 

It was a pretty conversation but yeah that was the question for me: what would I do, if it were me?

Honestly, me too nkanatopapo basitu🥱 That’s my honest answer to this question; a day would come where I just would get tired looping through the same cycle of issues. As a person, I also do have emotions.

If I find myself in a place where my emotions start getting confused, hurt and unattended to, well bro, we all deserve some peace of mind😮‍💨; I would get tired, sit back, watch and talk when she’s ready to talk. If she never gets ready, well good, nothing much I can do about it. That’s what I would do.
Now the interesting thing is this: because I have God, a day would as well come where I get tired sitting down and watching, and I would be prompted to do something about it. Coz my matters matter to God, my happiness matters to Him.

Having God makes you do things you wouldn’t do in normal circumstances. God would make you strong when tired, He would make you talk when you don’t want to talk, He would humble you and get you through reconciliation the time you have given up, He makes you forgive and stay than forgive and walk away. When am at my end, His beginning begins.


However, now this is what I want to say: God comes in when you have reached your end. He doesn’t come in when you still have some moves left in and with you. Am saying, don’t expect God to do what you are supposed to do. There are some matters that really doesn’t have to get God in operation, because the power of that operation has already been invested in you. So, we invite God to do the task that He left in our hands to do.

Do not expect a communication from an uncommunicated expectation. Do not expect a certain behaviour from a person when you didn’t express your need for it.

I do not speak sign language, so how do you expect a person to know what you want and what you don’t want by saying I gave you signs? I mean, what do you mean? Nde chani? Kuti zimveke bwanji inuyo?🧐 Mind you: God made the mouth as the primary medium of communication for you to make known your wants, desires, needs and so on. Sign language is not the primary language for communication. Ati green light, yoh if we are able to decode that green light rightly, kumayamika kumwamba😂😂 Otherwise, our system doesn’t easily recognise those signs. If panopa   tikumatha kusiyanitsa green light ndi red light nchifukwa choti tikuphunzira, koma osati kuti ndi chiyankhulo chomwe chili mu system yathu, njeee.

Couldn’t you notice my emotions that am not comfortable of this thing😕? Babe, people can act okay when they are hurt and people never recognising the hurt behind the smiley face. I can’t figure out your inside if you don’t use the right channel. What am I saying? TALK, use your mouth and communicate matters. That’s the primary channel that is in every person and we understand it easily. These other modes of communication stand on the channel of talking.

Lastly, stop waiting for matters to be matters for you to communicate something. If there is an issue, talk. I love the question: why did't you tell me? It’s a question that expresses a need for a person to know what he or she needs to know. If he or she didn’t tell you, the reason is either ✍️the information is not  important yet or ✍️you’re not important yet to deserve the information.  Except for validated valid reasons, share the information.

 I believe, information is very important, let people know what they are supposed to know the time they are supposed to know. Late than that sometimes has it’s own consequences.

Learn to talk what you expect. Iyiyi sintchito ya Mulungu kuti azikupangirani ngati kuti he didn’t provide a mouth for you. Atsogo unless ndinu osayankhula, sizikufunika mdzodzo kuti muyankhule zakukhosi kwanu. Your prayer should be God to teach you to talk what you need to talk when you need to talk about it in the manner you are supposed to talk about it.
🙏Pempheroli lilibe ntchito ngati inuyo simutsekula pakamwa nkulankhula, antaaaa. Ambuyewo muwauze alowererepo ngati you already did the communication nde zuvuta. Otherwise, Ambuyeyo ayambira pati kulowererapo pamene inu simudaziyambe konse zofunika kulowererapozo?


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