The Honour in Old Keys
The Honour in Old Keys
I remember saying it's really surprising when you are in a relationship and the key figures in your life know nothing about it. I also remember saying if your parents can't know of your relationship, you don't need one. If you can't tell your Pastor or your father in the Lord, you don't need one. If your friends know but not your parents or guardian nor your religious leaders, you don't need it buddy. ✍️This should be for some other day, but realise there are some wisdom only hidden in your parents and not your pastor, some in your pastor and not your parents. When you dishonour this wisdom, it may not end well with you.
You see, sometimes when I sit down and look back to the days I was young and further back to the days of our parents, I kinda miss those days. There’s a way of life from back then that our generation has discarded in the name of modernisation. We have always believed that it’s a sign of maturity when you start making decisions on your own. Well that’s right but I feel like that ideology misses something. May I suggest to you that maturity is not when you start making your own decisions, but maturity is when you know who to make your decisions with.
Aha we will back this up later but hear me, just because you can make decisions without some people in your life doesn’t really make you mature. It’s good to understand that immaturity is also seen when you are alone, so, careful. Get honest with your life, how many of the decisions you made on your own have lived with admiration?
A good number of us have tried relationships without engaging our parents. “They just don’t understand kuti stuff yi panopa ikuyenda bwanji” you speak that and you think you are making sense. Some of us the reason we keep trying relationships is very because we don’t engage or don’t know when, where and how to engage parents in our relationships. You are lying if you think you can make it with disrespecting the authority that God placed to watch over you. You cannot dishonour what God has honoured and expect to be honoured, never. So, who are parents and why were you given one?
At the end of time all these things we are sharing will fall into one piece. I appreciate big time for being there and the feedbacks, it’s great to know we are flowing together. Let’s proceed by saying that children are talents given to you parents. At the end of the day, God will hold you accountable of what you did with the kids that He gave you. Likewise, children you will account of what you did with your parents.
Now God being the one who entrusts you with children, you’re just a custodian who has a master you report to. You make a good leader as a father when you realise you have a boss you take orders from and follow His lead. Do you go to God to ask how He wants you to raise the children under your care. Your children are within the designated territory if you too are within limits of who you follow to lead those who follow you.
🪔3. Provider
This is too general but you are called to provide as a father out of what God is providing for you. Some father said one of the worries that fathers have is the number of mouths they have to feed. Well, family is a blessing yeah, that shouldn’t be a worry, God should be sufficient to feed that family through you.
🙂When was the last time that you bought your kids some nice clothes? When was the last time you took your kids out to have fun? Aha fun is an emotional support. When was the last time you praised them for their good deeds? When was the last time you supported your kids in their God-given gifts? Yeah school is important, but school is not all there is to life. Stop only telling your kids to work hard in school, tell them to work hard too in their gifts. It is written, a man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men. School is just a route for the gift.
I will give you my example: from childhood I have always been fond of technological devices and I wouldn’t have a problem learning to use them on my own. When I got to secondary school, I started taking computer lessons and one time with a friend, Clever Sibale and I were chosen to participate in python Student coding festival at Mzuzu University. My teacher was calling me Mr. Python, he saw I was good at it for some reason. But honestly, It's not like I knew much about programming, but I could easily understand it and try out a few things till we came up with some working code. We called it Smart Traveler Guide, and we got our school in position 3. Finishing up my form 4, I ended up being the best computer studies student of our class. When it was time to go to university, my dad wanted me to study business programs, whilst my mom wanted me to be in the medical field. But my heart was in computers, that’s what I easily flowed in.
So, my first three choices were all IT and by God’s grace I was enrolled in IT field, learning how to do business using IT, yoh I was happy🥹. And tell you what, I can’t say I have struggled with my school nah, I enjoyed it; I was there studying something that was just perfecting what am good at.
But I still don’t know if my parents knew what their boy was good at. And now if am going to work, it’s not my degree working, it’s the gift which school perfected at work now, am still flowing in what am good at and I will enjoy work at the end of the day.
What am I saying: there are things that you easily do and there are things that you put effort to do; give your kids that school to support them in what they easily do. Aha I felt I should speak that.
🪔4. Healer
Jesus said He was here to heal the brokenhearted, to set at liberty those that are bruised and He does that. Now you as a father being likened to love like Christ, you are a healer for your family.
In the world there is trouble that can hurt your children, and you must see their pain and heal them from such. Be the arms of comfort that they can submit themselves in. People would run to Jesus to seek healing, your children are supposed to run to you when they are hurt and broken.
🥲If they don’t run to you, ask yourself why. If it’s not you, they have somewhere else they run to. My question is, is where they run to safe and a promise of healing or yet another pain? Family is the safest place to run to, but father, have you provided such a safe family?
Day 9: 19 January 2023
🪔5. Protector
Jesus coming all the way from heaven to die for the world that was lost was Him protecting what is His. When you love someone, you protect what you love. You are ready to lose something just to keep what you love. A father wouldn’t mind leaving his honour and go for his one sheep. God giving you a masculine body is also a symbol of what you carry with you. Naturally a woman is soft bodied, the reason a man is hard bodied is also to say you can guard the soft. Get your muscle in place and protect your family.
You cannot stay out in late nights when you’re supposed to be home; vulnerability is inevitable. A family feels secure when dad is home. Be able to excuse yourself from some pleasure just to be with your family. Be able to deny yourself some sleep, get on your knees and guard your family with prayer. Be the fence built around your family, you must say to threats that “Before you get to my family, go through me”, you’re the muscle of the family buddy. No one has to insult and disrespect your family in your presence, no father allows that. Be able to lay down your life just for the sake that your family lives.
🪔6. Teacher
How a child makes choices in life also depends on what you taught that child. Of course, your kid will learn things automatically out there as exposure comes in, and it’s your duty to correct the wrong doctrines. Discipline that child with love, for a father disciplines the one he loves. Don’t call the child ungodly names, don’t curse that child. It’s God’s expectation that you show the kid the way of God as a way of life. You protect your children with what you teach them.
There’s a lot of a father but that’s for you to find out. You are a father or you will become one someday, discover what God has called such a man to do. It’s amazing. From here, let’s talk the mother.
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