Do We Really Need Parents in our Relationships?
Should we really involve parents in our relationships? Day 14: 26 January 2022 : Well, with what we have discussed so far, by now you should be convinced that yes we really do need to involve them in our relationships. Yes they do matter. We gotta place them in the space where they need to be placed when it comes to our relationships. We said it does not constitute that you are mature just because you can decide things on your own. Rather it is who you make your decision with that tells whether there is maturity in you or not. Now with all these things we have shared concerning parents and their role in our lives, we cannot hereby say it’s old fashioned. đŸ‘‚Listen, I get it that you’re told to act like a grown person and decide things for yourself, aha, but hear me: making decisions on your own is not biblical, that’s a false teaching of the world. Let me take you to this understanding: have you read the scripture that says do not lean on your own understandin...