Do We Really Need Parents in our Relationships?
Should we really involve parents in our relationships?
Day 14: 26 January 2022 : Well, with what we have discussed so far, by now you should be convinced that yes we really do need to involve them in our relationships. Yes they do matter. We gotta place them in the space where they need to be placed when it comes to our relationships. We said it does not constitute that you are mature just because you can decide things on your own. Rather it is who you make your decision with that tells whether there is maturity in you or not.
Now with all these things we have shared concerning parents and their role in our lives, we cannot hereby say it’s old fashioned.
👂Listen, I get it that you’re told to act like a grown person and decide things for yourself, aha, but hear me: making decisions on your own is not biblical, that’s a false teaching of the world. Let me take you to this understanding: have you read the scripture that says do not lean on your own understanding,but trust in the Lord with all your heart? Verse 6 further says, In all your ways acknowledge, submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.
Isaiah 30: 21 says whether you turn to the right or to the left, you ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way, walk in it”. Now listen, from the very start God designed you to function by His word and we said it’s a principle to make God your first realising He is the source of your existence. Without Him He declared that you’re nothing. What does that mean? It means there is not a thing that you will do without having to involve God. If you do, at your own risk.
🤔Now tell me, how is it possible for you to make your own decisions when God is involved with you? Will He keep quiet and never tell you what you should do?
Of course not, God is always speaking to you. He is always there to make decisions with you. If you think you are good enough without Him and your understanding is better that His, oyah go on decide for yourself. Maturity is not you making decisions on your own, never, it is about who is with you in the make of that decision.
Hear this: you were not created to make decisions on your own, the free will you were given is for you to acknowledge God and say okay God what should I do; And He will be there saying “This is the way, walk in it”.
You're a proud guy by thinking you can be independent from what God has to say in every matter about you.
🪔Now am saying: Be able to make decisions on your own when people are involved; be independent from them while you remain dependent on God. In the circle of people, be able to stand the decision that you have made with God without having to hear the input of people. You're depending on God, not people (them too need God). Aha now hear me: God uses people to deal with people. So am now saying: depend on people to make your decisions when God has told you to involve those people.
If you don’t, well that would mean you have not trusted in God, you have not depended on God by depending on the people He told you to depend on. Remember, He will say “This is the way, walk in it”; He will say “These are the people, walk with them, go talk to them”.
And one of those people He already said is your parents. They can see and speak for God. He said they are your crown of glory, their teaching will improve your appearance, you will be well and live long by honouring them and etc.
Today God is not coming to tell you that no, you don’t need parents in your issues anymore. Nop, His word is integrity, it is consistent. Parents remain your leaders, your destiny helpers, your lamp, your glory, your way guiders, your protectors, your life-givers, your caretakers and all.
So if your parents tell you that no you can’t date yet, hoping that they’ve discerned your season by the Holy Spirit, well listen to them. Hoping that they are guiding you in the way of God, honour that. However, just because your parents have given you a go ahead to date, verify that with God.
Coz makolo ena akuvomereza zinthu not at the voice of God but modernisation, your level of school or the legality of your age. As well some parents are the hindrance of the season that is due for a child for the same reasons or others.
That’s why I insist that parents gotta be grounded in the word of God that they lead you well. God has to reveal to them too of your seasons; them and God have to parent you together. Otherwise, Lord help us.
Day 15: 27 January 2022
Hey, how was your day today? For me, wow the very good was served at the end of the day, it was amazing for me. Aha tonight, let’s look at few examples of people who honoured parents in their relationships. Before I do, I just wanna share these scriptures:
📖A wise man will hear, and increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels (Proverbs 1:5).
📖Where no counsel is, the people fail: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety (Proverbs 11:14).
📖The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise (Proverbs 12:15).
📖Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed (Proverbs 15:22).
📖Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war (Proverbs 20:18).
📖There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord that shall stand (Proverbs 19:21).
📖Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck (Proverbs 1:8-9).
I want to say: many are your decisions but with advisers they succeed. Safe are many of your decisions if you attain unto wise counsels. Many are your decisions but at the end of the day, the counsel of God shall prevail. Many are your decisions, but wisdom says hearken to your father’s instruction and forget not your mother’s teaching. It is one of God’s counsel, it should prevail.
Now let’s look at the examples, ladies first; Esther and Ruth.
🪔1. Esther
Esther listened to Modercai who took her in as his own daughter. Esther hearkened to the instruction that Modercai gave her. Mordecai every day followed up on the progress of Esther and I believed he always would have a word for her. Esther continued to follow Modercai’s instructions as she had done when he was bringing her up(Esther 2: 20). I wonder what would have happened if Esther could not attain unto the counsel that she was given.
And I wonder what would have happened if Esther didn’t listen to the women who took her through beauty treatments. Was it really just her beauty that found her favour before the king? I don’t think so. You know, obedience can adorn you. It is written to obey is better than sacrifice.
🪔2. Ruth
Ruth had Naomi to listen to for her to get a husband. In chapter 3, look at how Naomi instructed Ruth and how her obedience got her before the feet of a husband
Ruth was found in the space of Boaz WORKING. Boaz was like yoh man whose pretty active damsel is this? Aha and Naomi later was like If you wanna get a husband my girl, wash up, put on perfume, and get dressed in your BEST clothes, go back to that man and do ABC. And yeeep it worked for her.
Parents should be like Mordecai and Naomi, who can discern your season and help you get that man of favour. You get what am saying. You just have not tried your parents; talk to them, tell them you like that guy. You'll be surprised the counsel they can give you. Now men:
🪔1. Isaac
Genesis 23: For Isaac, all what I see in the Bible is his father instructing the servant to go look for a wife for him from his family. Today you and I family can mean a family of believers: pick yours from among them, from your circle. You cannot be unequally yoked the word says, and that’s what Abraham was instructing his servant. Aha proceeding: the servant came back with Rebekah, she was very fair to look upon, a virgin says the word. What got Rebekah qualified again was her serving just like Ruth. Fast forward, we later learn that Isaac was told by the servant what happened.
Isaac married Rebekah and he loved her. I don’t know if Isaac knew his father was getting him a wife or something; but what I know is the instruction of the father brought Isaac what he loved. Ehee the father of faith, a father who was a friend with God; what a father to have. Wouldn’t it be nice that you be that kind of father to your kids.
🪔2. Samson
Judges 14: 1-5: Samson liked this girl and he went and told his father and mother. His parents were like hey isn’t there an acceptable woman among your relatives or among all our people?
Because it was God behind it, Samson still insisted that his parents get her the girl for he was pleased with her. Yep, his parents went with him. God’s counsel shall prevail.
From these two men: parents should be able to say yoh this man or woman that you are after is acceptable or not. The parents of these two men we see them helping their sons get a wife as well. Listen, this thing works.
Day 16: 28 January 2022
Wow hey🙃We have come from afar and am happy we say bye here. So, how are we concluding?
In all this we were sharing with one another that it’s good that you should have a standard of how you live your life. You have choices of how you live it but the advice is live it by God’s standard; I assure you there’s safety in it. Let God be your standard of life. Now if God is your standard, understand what His standard says about the operations of your life. If God is your standard, make it a standard in your life to honour parents in a way they are supposed to be honoured.
Make it a standard to let your parents know you are planning to get someone you want to share your life with. They will help you and save you from a lot of trouble. It will be well with you.
Yeah some of us we have failed before at relationships, if you look carefully most of us never involved or involved parents at the wrong time. The sooner you invite wisdom in, the sooner wisdom leads you to safety. When you do things behind the back of those that watch over you, it’s easy to mess up coz you move out of parameters and you got nobody to signal you that you’re out of bounds.
Your parents do not know you have a girlfriend or boyfriend: you were never a liar but now you introduce your boyfriend or girlfriend as a friend to them. You say you are going out to meet a friend. Dude, is what you say to your parents true? Is he or she a friend really? Of course not, but that’s what you do.
Would you say the same if your parents knew that you were getting into a relationship? Would you lie if what you are doing is right? Aha where the Spirit of God is, there is liberty. Are you free with what you do or you’re convinced you’ve reasons to still keep it a secret?
The time for you parents to know is not now when pregnancy has emerged or when now your heart has been broken and hurt is written all over you. Nop, you’re covering your lamp friend. The sooner you light your lamp, the better you know where to step.
There’s wisdom in these people you say are from the old age. It’s this same old aged wisdom that sustained you when you didn’t have the so called wisdom that you have. Honour those who have gone before you and they will in return show you where danger is and where safety is.
Therefore, whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God; and so right now, am praying that God disconnects you from every relationship that is not giving glory to God, and may He give you confidence to let go and move forward. May you be dangerous to be approached by any man or woman who will lead you into dishonouring what God has honoured. Love does not dishonour others, I pray that the love which you say you love someone with ushers you into honour. Love is not proud, may this be your character in your loving and I pray that God exalts you for listening to those He sent a word to you through.
Love rejoices with the truth, I pray that the Spirit of God helps your heart to be naked before those who watch over you. Let truth be what they hear when they see or hear you. Love perseveres, may love stand you still in what is right, you will not compromise.
Love protects, I pray that the love you have for someone be that kind that protects you from harm, curse and the wrath of God. Love is patient, I pray you wait enough and not delay at the promise of God for you. Above all, love does not fail; if it failed, perhaps it was not this love in topic.
I thus pray to you my Father, the person that is reading this and every person you gave me in this topic, may you connect this person to a partner with who together they will spark a relationship that exhibits love that never fails. Thank you Father their relationship will not fail, they will live unto your glory, the world will learn from them what a relationship looks like. For everything, I say thank you Father; I love you and we love you so much. Amen in Jesus’ name.
It was nice to have you, see you when you see me🫂 God bless you🪔
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