The Honour in Old keys (Mother)
The Honour in Old Keys
Day 10: 20 January 2022
Hie, I believe your day was nice to you. Very nice for me this side, very nice and fruitful. Today we will begin another interesting part of the honoured old key; mother, an also important being in the world. A mother I would say she’s the deputy father, she’s a woman in a motherly role. She helps the father and she does this in her own unique way.
1. Life-giver
Aha you wouldn’t have been here if not for your mother. You see, it’s possible for a seed with possible life to die in the ground yeah. It’s a whole different idea to give a seed life and watch that life grow. That’s a mother - she’s a whole different idea. It’s a whole different idea to give a seed life and watch that life grow. That’s a mother - she’s a whole different idea. It’s a matter of a little time for man to impregnate, and it’s a matter of little time for a woman to conceive, but it’s not easy to bring forth what has been conceived.
It is a mother who holds a seed in her womb for months, a seed that you deposited in a matter of minutes. It’s her who receives the seed, provides conditions for it to live in and grow, and releases that seed with life. It’s her who provides her food, her energy, her oxygen to that seed. For months she molds the seed inside her until it is ready to face the world. Mother, in your womb you mold the baby with your everything, whatever is available in you becomes the material to build the baby inside you. The reason they tell you not to drink this or that or not to do this and do this and that, is because those are what is used to form the baby. You are an incubator, you provide the conditions for the baby to be formed in.
Now, this calls you to understand too that the nature of the child does not start when he or she is born; it starts right with the kind of material you are molding the child with. Personally, what characters do you have? Are you hot tempered? Or ndinu onyanyala nyanyala zinthu? In your womb becomes a battle of what should fuse into the baby between what the father imparted into the seed and what you now is releasing into that seed. The seed might be okay, but your molding can damage that seed. You got issues you need to sort out, failing to do that you will impart those issues into your child. And you will wonder your daughter is facing the same things you faced or your son’s wife is a copy of you.
Remember, you an origin, we descend from you. A man gives you a nation, it’s you who spends time building and giving life to that nation. You are a life giver, but with what you are right now, what kind of life would you give? Myles Munroe said a woman is an incubator, she receives and she gives back to you: you give her a seed, she will give you a baby; you give her a house, she gives you a home; you give her a kitchen, she gives you a meal; you giver her fire, she gives you hell. She gives life to whatever she receives, she transforms it and gives it back to you. Well, it’s important then as a mother to know what to incubate, else you will destroy your family with your own hands.
Day 11: 23 January 2022
God has been amazing, on this day had safe travels back home and yep we good. As said at the very start, we have taken slowly what we are sharing. This has been like this so that when we make a point we should really have an understanding of what is really behind building that point. It’s good to know what you know than think you know what you know yet you don’t know what you know.
Talking things recursively, dividing and conquering is such one helpful way to get to know something. So, for all of you who felt this talk as a moment where God is depositing something in you, I say thank you for following through. Your feedbacks have been inspiring and a message to my end too. I cannot share with you everything, God is big and am trusting He’s gonna continue to reveal Himself to you. Having said that, am believing this week to be our last. Shall we continue? Everything else to be shared following this point I feel revolves around the idea that a mother is a life-giver.
🪔2. Comforter
Few days ago, a friend asked me saying you can be angry or sad with something but why is it that once you starting talking to that girl that you like, the anger or stress just goes away like that? Well, when a woman stands as a woman she’s something beautiful. There’s a certain power with her, that’s why the bible praises her, God took His time on her bro, she’s a wonderful creature. At the same time a man is warned of a woman. When this power with her is used otherwise, yoh you can’t stand her. A mother is such a powerful being, she is able to put at ease things that troubles a child.
From the very young age, a child has known to find comfort in the arms of his mother. We said, there is a reason why both the Holy Spirit and a woman are called helper. Isaiah 66:13 describes a mother as one who comforts her child, that’s a character of the Holy Spirit as well. Her compassion (Isaiah 49:15) builds her arms as a place where you can come to and be comforted. She knows better to do that, it’s naturally built in her. It’s a question when you are a woman with no comfort in you. Your comforting hands, words and deeds revive the life of your hurt and week child. No mothers! You can’t let your words be the very knife cutting through your child, the Holy Spirit you are likened to does no such thing.
🪔3. Gatherer
As a hen gathers her chicks (Luke 13:34): a mother goes about picking the scattered and brings such to one place. The bible actually denotes her as a builder (Proverbs 14:1), saying a wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears it down. It is up to you mother to watch your kids scatter or gather such pieces in one place. What do you do with such pieces? Build your house with them, use them to build some life. You’re not always with your child out there, situations are possible to have torn your child in pieces, can you see those pieces? It’s when you are a comforter that you can see through the veil of a child who has come before your feet. You are a builder right from in your womb, you pick pieces together to form something.
Day 12: 24 January 2022
🪔4. Caretaker
Unless a man has somehow learnt this character, most times naturally a house with a woman is different from that without her. We have seen it where your mother is out, and you feel it within you that yes amayi palibe. Most times somewhere zinthu sizilongosoka once the mother of the house is out. A mother is a caretaker naturally, she’s the one that makes that house a home, she’s the one that feeds the family.
As a man you bear the vision (the bigger picture), but when it comes to implementation, invite a woman in (she’s good at details – the small pictures that make up that bigger picture). You give her a vision, and she takes care of it. Fathers they bear the bigger picture, example, all we think about is we should leave home at least some money for food but it’s a woman who plans out what exactly to do with that money, what she’s gonna buy, at what time, how she’s gonna prepare that food and etc. Then all you see on the table is a good meal, but you got no idea the small details she had to pay attention to for that meal to be on the table. And you don’t even thank her for the meal🌝
🪔We are saying, a mother is a caretaker; she knows how to take care of things and people. That grown man you now see, it’s her who took care of him for 9 months in her womb and further looked after him when he faced the world. The proverbs 31 woman is her: give her money, she knows investments; give her a house, she knows how to beautify it. She receives, transforms and gives back to you. Whilst she’s taking care of what you’ve given her, the father got to protect what she’s taking care of. A man is known by the woman beside him. It’s either you marry an asset or a liability. An asset takes care of what’s in her hands, she adds value to it. I look at my mom and am like yoh my babe gotta have value as hers. When you marry an asset, listen to her bro, she is your success. So woman what are you? An asset or liability?
Concluding about a mother, she’s also can lead, provide, protect, and teach. She helps the father and so in her is also these responsibilities in her own way. In “Difference Matters” remember we said a man and a woman both have man in their vocabulary and that’s to say there is a similarity of what they can do. At the same time a woman has ‘Wo’ in front of her absent in man; and we said the difference is to say they are some things different about them even though they got similarities. And we further said that the difference makes them unique from each other and they compliment each other better with that difference. So what are we saying: a father and mother are all parents and can do things corporately, but the fact that one of them is a father and the other a mother, that denotes they are unique in their roles.
Why we need parents
Having said that, now in a nutshell, let’s look at why we need parents. From all we have talked about, you have reasons enough already.
🪔1. Destiny helpers
The first divine connection that God has given you is your parents. In the whole world, there must be something special about your parents for God to decide to bring you to them. They are the first to lay a path for your destiny. Now do you see why we had to define a father or mother? Coz if these parents act out of their roles on you, they will further you from your destiny. If they don’t understand the gift that God has made you and fail to bring you before God, yeep it will take a while before you are ushered into your purpose.
Day 13: 25 January 2022
🪔2. Crown of glory
Look at your parents and guardians and say these are my glory. Proverbs 17:6 says parents are the pride, glory of their children; you gotta understand there is some honour, some glory that God reserved or say kept for you in your parents. Ephesian 6:1-3: children obey your parents, honour your father and mother (which is the first commandment with a promise). What promise: that it may be well with you and that you may live long on earth. Some prayers are not meant to be prayed but to be done: you wanna be kept safe from your enemies and live long? You wanna do well? Then, know what to do: honour that which God has honoured and you will live the promise. The reason we called this “The honour in old keys” is for this reason that these parents you see are carrying your honour. Go on, frustrate them and further yourself from that honour. Isn’t it written that cursed is anyone (you’re a believer or not) who dishonours their father or mother. Isn’t it written that their teachings are an ornament of grace unto thy head or a necklace for your neck which improves your appearance.
🪔3. Light source
Proverbs 20: 20 says whoso curseth his father or mother, his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness. In the beginning darkness was upon the face of the deep, until God said let there be light. Maybe let me say it like this: a plant grows towards light. You can put it in the dark, but it will bend its way through to where light is. Now if a plant is wise to know it needs light, what more you and me? In the quoted proverb parents are being related with the presence of light from a lamp. Such that when parents are cursed this light is put out for you.
What are we saying: parents light up your path, they shine the way for you to go, they make you see where to step and where not to step. For you God declared light by meaning the presence of parents. You gotta be wise to realise the sources of your light. Yes the word of God is lamp to your feet, then, look at what it is pointing your feet to – parents.
🪔4. Trainers
Proverbs 22:6 says train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Parents are the first obligated to show the way to go. Thus, whatever parents do, it ends up as a training to you the child, it ends up as a seed that grows in you over time. Whatever we see them do becomes the way they are shaping our lives to follow. If we look closely, some of us the lives that we lead now are exactly what our parents trained us in either intentionally or without their knowledge.
I have a friend and a couple of times she said she is scared of marriage. One time I decided to ask her why and she said because of how she has seen her father treat her mother, and she felt maybe the same can be the case with her. 🪔This is the thing: parents you may not explicitly know, but children do watch what you do and hear what you say, and that at its consistency becomes an imprint in their lives, it becomes an implied way of life for them. Some of you are afraid of loving and being loved, solely for the reason that you didn’t experience love that loves enough from your both parents or one of them. With that you grew building a wall around you without your consciousness. Some of you believe genuine love exists, check your parents: they raised you in the environment of love and it was imprinted in you.
You don’t like it that he’s a quiet guy, okay, but something must have trained him to be quiet as he grew up, it ain’t out of the blue. Nxaa😪bro she shuts me out when something is not okay, alright chill, she must have grown being shut out by those around her. She is not shutting you out, she has been trained to shut herself out rather. She doesn’t think she deserves the best, easy, she was hardly appreciated and she has been trained with a sense of lack somewhere.
Aha all this training starts in the family with parents and it grows in the same family. Am telling you this knowing you are parents of tomorrow, how are you gonna train your kids? With garbage or not? It’s important to realise that the quoted Proverb is instructing this believing that you will train your kids in the way of God. Parents gotta be like Jesus, He’s the standard we take after. If you train children in the way of God, yes they will not depart from it when they are old. Else, obviously there will be some ways they will have to depart from because they will surely have an imprint of a tainted character; they will need to depart from such. For some it will be easy and for some it will take a while to learn the right way.
In the next post let's start the concluding part now: Do we really need parents involved in our relationships?
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