
Showing posts from June, 2023

Protect Him, Protect Her

  Protect Him, Protect Her 1 Corinthians 11:3-15, I find it interesting and mysterious, like there is a big story behind it. Am still trying to get it. But on literal meaning I came across: you know how the bible says the man/husband is the head of the woman/wife. And then it says, the woman ought to cover her own head, the man I believe. Simply, woman, cover your man (your head). It is disgraceful to uncover your man. Covering is for protection, you ought to protect your man. Remember this one time I said God making you out of a rib designates you to the function of protection just as the rib does to the body. Your protection is in two forms in this case: 1. Internal The rib is under, inside the skin protecting the inside delicates. You ought to protect the vital elements inside your man. Inside him is purpose, integrity, character, strength, peace, joy, vision and all that. You ought to help him keep those safe. 2.Presentation (external) The outside can tell of what's inside some...

Don't be Parasitic

  Don't be Parasitic  Love others because you want to give them what you have. Don't love them for what you want to get from them. The proof of love is giving, what do you have that you can offer to your neighbour? ✍️Bishop Alfred Goliath Don't be a parasite yeah💆‍♂️Give...and this reminds me, you know how parasitic you can be when you get in a relationship whilst your love tank is leaking? By default, you will always want to receive because you got none in your tank, you’re always leaking. You literally got none, not even an overflow that you then can offer to your partner. You got hurt? Heal first. Surround yourself with people who will help you heal and mend your tank. It hurts to love someone who cannot keep bits of what you pour into them. Stop leaking! And hear this, it's when you have love that you can love. You gotta be filled with love first before you love. Otherwise, out of what are you pulling your love? Don't go in a relationship thinking you will love...