Don't be Parasitic


Don't be Parasitic 

Love others because you want to give them what you have. Don't love them for what you want to get from them. The proof of love is giving, what do you have that you can offer to your neighbour?

✍️Bishop Alfred Goliath

Don't be a parasite yeah💆‍♂️Give...and this reminds me, you know how parasitic you can be when you get in a relationship whilst your love tank is leaking? By default, you will always want to receive because you got none in your tank, you’re always leaking. You literally got none, not even an overflow that you then can offer to your partner.

You got hurt? Heal first. Surround yourself with people who will help you heal and mend your tank. It hurts to love someone who cannot keep bits of what you pour into them. Stop leaking!

And hear this, it's when you have love that you can love. You gotta be filled with love first before you love. Otherwise, out of what are you pulling your love?

Don't go in a relationship thinking you will love the person because they love you. Your ability to love is not in their ability to love you, it's in your ability to pull love out of the love tank in you. There is one thing that deposit love in you, it's not the person. God has to do that beforehand, He's got to pour and overflow Himself in you, He's love and that's the source you pull your love out of.

Nde the question should be: You have no God in you, how then do you utter love? I mean, where exactly are you drawing your love out of? You're dating someone with no God in him or her, where are they confessing love for you out of? Worse, you're dating nokha nokha oti God is not in you, what fantasy of love are you fantasysing?

This is how and why you love: 📖let us love one another, for love COMES from God. EVERYONE WHO LOVES has been BORN of God and KNOWS God, 1 John 4:7. Tell me again, why you should love when you don't have He that gives love with which you can love others?

Statements showing you're a parasite:

"Ndungoganiza za iwe🥹" like serious bro🌝 "mutu wanga suukugwira"🤒eeshh how would even a lady in her right senses say yes to you😂 "I am nothing without you, I can't breathe without you, my other half, you complete me, you're my sunshine, you make me feel like a man....ndi zina mmaynkhula zija. Even ladies, you know your utterances. Listen to yourself, these are signs you're parasitic, a danger to your partner, you need time with God, uzitolere. You can't talk about a man of the things that are God's workings.

You need to be with God until on your own you are complete, a man enough, mutu wako umagwira osayendera season or munthu, and chomwe umaganiza si iye yekha. Ndalama mupanga bwanji pamene chili mmutu ndi mkazi or mwamuna yekha? 

Be with God until you are a sunshine on your own, until you don't need a half, the bible says and the two shall become one, sanati and the halves shall become one. Half mumtenga kuti? Be with God until He's the center of your breath and telling you, relationships it's about two singles as two whole ones coming together. Be two whole people personally, to complement, not substitute. Be two who can give complementary to each other.



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