Protect Him, Protect Her


Protect Him, Protect Her

1 Corinthians 11:3-15, I find it interesting and mysterious, like there is a big story behind it. Am still trying to get it.

But on literal meaning I came across: you know how the bible says the man/husband is the head of the woman/wife. And then it says, the woman ought to cover her own head, the man I believe. Simply, woman, cover your man (your head). It is disgraceful to uncover your man. Covering is for protection, you ought to protect your man. Remember this one time I said God making you out of a rib designates you to the function of protection just as the rib does to the body. Your protection is in two forms in this case:

1. Internal

The rib is under, inside the skin protecting the inside delicates. You ought to protect the vital elements inside your man. Inside him is purpose, integrity, character, strength, peace, joy, vision and all that. You ought to help him keep those safe.

2.Presentation (external)

The outside can tell of what's inside something. You can present the inside. Strength is internal, but you can tell that this man is strong by the presentation of that man. You can tell the unseen by the seen, underline that point. That's why woman you ought to cover your head. The head can be seen, it can present something of the inside. Woman, cover the head, protect what's not meant to be seen by the world about your man. As the rib, you can see everything about that man that the world can't see about him. As the cover of the head, you regulate what should be seen of what you have seen as a rib.

You have seen the weakness of your man, it is a disgrace for you to sit around with your girlfriends and uncover such matters to those that it didn’t matter. You have had issues with your head, it is a disgrace for you to uncover such to subject that are not supposed to be in the picture. Am not saying don't talk about the matters to someone outside your relationship, but am saying there are some things delicate about your man that are private and meant for just you and your man. Why publicise? Your man is not doing good somewhere, does everybody have to know about it? Why uncover something you need to protect? It is written, a virtous woman is her husband's crown, Proverbs 12:4. A crown stands on the head, such that when people look at that head, they associate it with honour. How are people going to treat your man with honour when you constantly remove the crown from him?

👂Listen, what people are supposed to see when they see your man is YOU, the crown, the glory of the man. Learn to shut up and cover what should stay within your relationship. Your inability to shut up can attract toxic opinions. A fool is considered wise when he keeps quiet; you love the man, then shut up and protect what is seen about him. Showcase his glory.

Let's deal a bit with us the man now.

It would be wrong to think a woman ought to protect you when, in truth, you don't need her protection. Let’s follow the scripture I shared with you in this way: man is the head of the woman, and Chirst is the head of the man. See it closely, the idea is that this man that the woman is covering has Christ as his head. She is the crown of her husband understanding that the husband is under Christ. Don’t expect her to be your glory when you don’t sit under glory yourself.

Why should she cover and protect you to begin with? We protect because that is important to us. We protect what is worthy protecting. She ought to cover you because you're worthy protecting. Are you worthy protecting? Do you understand how expensive a man who sits under Christ is? You are expensive man, she ought to protect you of course when she gets you as her head. The same implication is given to a man as well when it is written, love her as Christ loved the church, and GAVE HIS LIFE for it. She costs your life, by default you will protect her with your everything. So, man, are you worthy protecting?

Understanding that you lead her, know that she will work with what you give her. You can't be ridiculous and expect her to cover you up. You can't be nonsensical and expect her to produce sense out of that. Am not saying the actions of your partner have to be dependent on your actions, but you can't take out the factor of cause and effect in some matters. She follows you!  This is the thing about following: whatever you follow, it makes you (Matthew 4: 19, KJV). And my word of caution to you the woman is this:

1. God might have blessed you with a good head who ought to make you something. But your inability to follow him is the enemy to your making. I heard some say, I can’t submit to him, boyfriend yo, as if he's my husband. True, but I tell you, you will not automatically submit either in marriage with that attitude. And I doubt if that man can still keep you. You don't need him if you still think you gotta act independent.

2. Some men are good to be alone, careful of who you choose to follow. We all may not like what they can make you.

Man, if you have her, you are proving to us that God has said it's not good for you to be alone, and He's trusted you're worthy of her. She's covering you safeguarding that worthiness. There's meaning attached to you that she glads in and sees it valuable to protect.

So never should you expect her to protect nonsense and irresponsibility. That’s not how she's designed. Get weak for good cause, she will be your strength and protect you. Be vulnerable for good cause, she'll protect you. Argue with her for good cause, she'll not feel insecure in your territory and go talk outside. Lead her as Christ leads you and she won't tire protecting you. Be trustworthy, be her one and only, be her leader she looks up to. Be the man God called you to be, and the scripture of her covering you will be lived. You will go wrong, but she will rebuke you with protection at her heart. You will cry, but she will talk of your low moments to God. She will keep you safe from the world. She is that to you who Christ is your head. Men and women like these are rare these days. When you find them, protect them✊

We have talked a bit of man in sense that we have seen which man it is that the woman oughts to cover or protect. Let's talk now your side of protection as the man.

From the decree that the two shall become one, let's analyse that one body: the rib (woman) is covered by the skin, the man preferably. By the virtue of becoming one flesh, it's an idea of fusing the rib back in the place it was taken from, in the man. Now you the skin covers the woman whilst she covers your insides. Each one of you occupies a place or places in that one body where you function from. One is the rib, one is the skin; one is the head, one is the hair of that head, the crown; one is the seeder and one is the incubator, etc. But the main idea of protection here is: man you protect your woman whilst she protects you. Let’s illustrate:

When you build a house, often you also think of building a fence around it. Why a fence? Safety and privacy. When a robber comes, he has to bypass the fence first. After, he has to bypass the entrances of the house, then he's in. The fence is you the man. The entrances of the house (windows and doors), the door collectively put, is your woman. The robber is people, life blows, stress, disappointments, pain, etc. Man, you're the first line defence; nobody and nothing has to get to your woman before encountering you first. When you're bypassed, it encounters the woman, the second line defence before it gets in the house.

Nobody talks ill of your woman or family whilst you are there, you guard up. No hunger strikes your woman whilst you are there, you provide. Literally, everything hits you first before it hits your woman. That's the intensity of the instruction to love her like Christ loved the church. You body is hard than hers to say you got what it takes to protect the soft, her.

Now, she's given the ability to protect too, the second line defence because the first line defence can fall. When life and the world knocks you down, she activates and say, you can't touch the inside of my man without passing through me! So, watch what she does☺️ She opens her mouth with wisdom and delivers a faithful instruction, Proverbs 31:26. She walks to you and begins to draw things from within you, the things she's protecting. She begins to remind you of the vision in you, the strength in you. She reminds you of the battles you have won before. She reminds you of who you are and what you carry. She reminds you of the greater God in you. She speaks grace over you, and she offers you a hand and say, get up babe, I need you and you gotta be strong for me, you gotta fight for us. She won't begin to compare you to other men. No, she's with wisdom: she will speak grace to you. Now imagine what happens with you💆‍♂️

You are BUILT UP, with the word of His grace, Acts 20:32. You charge up, get hold of her hand, get up and dust yourself off. You hug her and tell her, back to your position babe, I got this💪

That's how she does it. She doesn’t let life hold you down. She understands her position in you to guard the route to your core; so she doesn't go about revealing your vulnerabilities. Now, it can happen too that you still standing and you did not detect a bypass, and it went on to hit your woman down. She alerts you! It's on you to ensure the second line defence is always operational. You have seen how important it is. So, you walk to her and profess grace unto her, and you build and charge her up. For this reason, man, shut up too about your woman's vulnerabilities. You don't go about detailing your security breach. That's you exposing the route to your core. That's you deliberately taking your crown off her head. People have to see her as the crown that she is. Stop taking every matter to your circle, she is dating or married to you, not your circle.

If that woman is that virtous woman we are challenged to find, and you found her, man, you're foolish when you initiate or join ill talking your woman before those people. You’re a fool for presenting her with spots, wrinkles or any other blemish. You’re a fool for not cleansing her by the word. You're a fool for not protecting her. You're a fool for not recognising the parameters of your woman and your relationship. You’re a fool for dishonouring her and yourself altogether. And you are a fool for being a fool. Protect her!


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