Part 5: 

Laws of Financial Health

    4.      Law of More

You are reading this probably because you want to be a winner, unless you have other intentions. Nobody wants to lose. But I tell you that most people lose money because they don’t want to lose money. Then should you lose money to gain money? No, don’t lose money but release money. Losing is not a good idea: it means losing when you lose. But it is different from releasing in a way that you can lose money but never feel like you have lost. Releasing learns and gains, it doesn’t stay down.

Because people don’t want to lose money, some save and but still lose money. Saving is just good but how do you save? The law of more is not satisfied with what you have. It says fine you have this much and thank you that you can save because it is enough, but, you can have a lot more. It says, I can help you have a lot more as long as you do a lot more. The law of more says release more: if you were giving, give a lot more; if you were saving, save a lot more. It is a law of increase that seeks an increase in what you do. It works with the other laws for an increase to be seen. That’s why it is able as well to expound the law of exception: how do you save not to lose money?


First and foremost, you are required to be a person who is opportunistic. Be able to see opportunities in everything, be able to turn problems into opportunities. The problem with people is that we grumble more than see positivity. The law of more needs your head to be at work, THINK. There is low chance that you can think straight thought with your head saturated with stains: complaints, worry, discomfort, etc. The reason the Bible tells us to always be joyful and thankful in everything is that we should be able to see things straight. If the law of more is to work, see things rightly. Make opportunities where others cannot see them. Here, am going to share with you two ways how you can better save for an increase; save by investing. Do a lot more; invest in:


a.      Assets

An asset is a useful or valuable possession. In terms of finances, if what you possess doesn’t help you add more financially, you don’t have an asset. Rather that is a liability. For example, you might want to build or buy a house so that you don’t have to spend money again for rent fees. That’s a good idea but how the house is gonna be used will tell if you have been financially wise or not. If you mean to be residing in the house, am sorry that house is a liability because there is no way that the house is gonna add more to your finances. It is going to be taking from your finances instead. Here is the thing: you are not gonna pay rent anymore and true at some point in time in the long run, the value of the house will be equal to the cost of purchase. From then onwards, you still will be paying water bills, electricity bills, maintenance costs and so on. It is these costs that will then draw money from your pocket.

Or suppose you buy a car for your personal use, oh dear this car is gonna drain your account. It sucks money for it to run as you please. It is a liability.


Then suppose you rent the house, use the car for hire or transportation service: these will now be called assets, why? Because in the long run, they will have their own financial account that pays their bills, maintenance costs, service costs or insurance fees. They won’t in anyway dare draw from your account unless you let them. Instead they will again add some amount to your account, what you call profits. You wanna be financially healthy? Invest in assets. Let these assets buy you a house and a car that the same assets will manage financially without getting into your pocket.


Assets are not only the tangible things, an idea is also an asset. All these advances you see was once an idea that someone invested in and it gave back to the investor. Think that idea and be able to develop it into what can give more back to you. Invest in knowledge: a man of an excellent spirit seeks understanding and increase in learning. Knowledge is an asset, get it. Financial health demands your knowledgeability. Keep learning. The moment you think you know enough is the moment you close yourself to easy success. Be a fool to become wise. Humble yourself and learn!!!


b.     People

If there is a great resource in this world is people. Check your work places, places of service, business institutions…you will see all these dealing with people. People are the centre of finances. Money revolves around people, without people, money cannot do. So what should you do, invest in people. Learn to do more in people, plant more in people. The world has its own interesting way of paying you back through people.


3 Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, his chief of staff, to bring to the palace some of the young men of Judah's royal family and other noble families, who had been brought to Babylon as captives. 4 "Select only strong, healthy, and good-looking young men," he said. "Make sure they are well versed in every branch of learning, are gifted with knowledge and good judgment, and are suited to serve in the royal palace. Train these young men in the language and literature of Babylon. " 5 The king assigned them a daily ration of food and wine from his own kitchens. They were to be trained for three years, and then they would enter the royal service.

Daniel 1:3-5 (NLT)


You might employ people, work with people of a certain qualification, beautiful. You might even want a higher qualification for some work, good. But it does not always have to be you recruiting that higher qualified people. Sometimes, you just have to work with what you have, add more into it, invest into the people, develop the people to the capacity you want. You might have seen that some schools can send their staff for upgrading. All they do is develop what they have into what they want.

A piece of advice, do not just invest in just any person. Invest in blessings, invest in people who are a blessing. Deposit your savings unto such people. For when you bless or develop those that God has blessed, you are blessed. God bless those who bless the blessed. Apostle Joshua Selman shared to say financial increase comes when you give to those who are financially increased. Ahaa, invest in such kind of people. Nonetheless, invest in the wonderful people you have. You don’t work alone financially. You will need skills that you don’t have, knowledge that you don’t have, practicability that you don’t have. God has hidden some of your success in people. Save in them.


13 So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas. ‘Put this money to work {invest (NLT), do business (Amplified version 2015, BBE), see what you can do with this (GNT)},’ he said, ‘until I come back.’ 16 “The first one came and said, ‘Sir, your mina has earned ten more.’      

Luke 19:13 & 16 (NIV)


All in all, checking carefully the scriptures, we are recommended to have the money work for us and it should earn us more. Put the law of more at work. See opportunities that the money can work with, think ideas that earn you more, learn new skills, develop yourself and others. Invest!!! That’s how you save best to increase.



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