Differences Matter
Differences Matter
God give me someone who I can think alike with, someone who can see the same as me, someone who has values like me, someone I can agree with, someone I can walk with; have you ever offered a prayer like this? I mean it’s a wonderful prayer. Actually, if you have ever hurt someone because you cannot agree on something, you can understand the need to have someone with the same lens as you. From a young age I have grown up seeing and feeling the trauma of differences in people who are trying to be together.
So, I
learnt to believe it’s nice to have someone who is your other version, someone
who is the bone of your bones, the flesh of your flesh, someone who you can see
yourself in. I too have trusted God for such. I told God to help me be a
version someone would like to have, a version someone can walk with, a version
someone can see herself and themselves in. But I recently was just thinking a
lot over this kind of request. Early tonight I was like “Father, do I even offer you
the right desire?” “Aha I was waiting for that question” He replied. “Why do
you desire what you desire?” He asked me and I said “Two cannot walk together,
unless they agree. How can somebody agree with me or me agree with them if
we’re different? I feel like having some common things help” “Beautiful, but
who told you so?” I was asked and I gave an instance of Adam thrived having
then found the bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh, it showed he found
someone with common traits as his. He then spoke something that left me like
wow okaaay. Would you like to hear it?
“Yeah true I brought Adam someone as Him, but why did
He call her woman and not man? I could have created everything alike but why
then did I create things different? True two cannot walk together unless they
agree, but have you seen the context of the agreement? What you believe is
right, your desire is okay but there’s a part to your desire we haven’t talked about.
You have been omitting something you know, something you are already aware of,
let me remind you of that…”
29 September 2022
Two cannot walk together unless they agree, that
remains true. A wise man and a foolish man cannot tarry together. If they do,
one thing is certain: one of them will change into like the other; either the
wise will become foolish or the foolish will become wise. All this will be so
because of the principle of similarity. Walk with the wise if you want to be
wise; iron sharpens iron. Light and darkness will never have a relationship,
never. All am trying to tell you is that go after what is like you for that’s
what will sharpen you. God breeds gods and men breed men. Understand the power
of like-to-like; whatever surrounds you, there is power in that vicinity of
either you will become like your surrounding or your surrounding will become
like you. You cannot walk with Jesus and never be like Him. For 3 times people
told Peter that he was one of Jesus, and he denied it. He perhaps didn’t know
he had become like Jesus. That’s it, foolishness sharpens one into itself and
wisdom sharpens one into itself the same. Surround yourself with your alike.
Now let’s add the missing piece: the sun and the moon
are all light emitting elements but we can all agree they behave differently
and yet still they marry each other. God isn’t saying get yourself one like you
and end of story. He is saying get one like you with a difference. Let me
repeat that, do you remember physics says unlike terms attract? Doesn’t that
explain why a man is attracted to a woman and vice versa? It’s an error when
man is attracted to man or woman to woman. Hear me, there is a reason why man
and woman has ‘man’ in their vocabulary. And at the same time, there is a
reason why man does not have ‘wo’ in front of it. If all you want is someone
like you, then you are enough alone. If all you want is someone you can agree
with, well why don’t you just agree with yourself then?
I mean, if all Adam needed was someone like him, God
would have brought him another man. But no, instead God suggested to him someone
further like him, someone with a difference; a man with a womb, woman. You will
all be independent if you are looking for someone like you. But the idea is for
you to be dependent on each other and one another. God said, “I will make him a
helper [one who balances him--a counterpart who is] suitable and complementary
for him.” Look at that.
- Counterpart means a person or thing that corresponds to or has the same function as another person or thing in a different place or situation.
- Complementary means combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other or another. Another definition is mutually supplying each other's lack …the complementary relationship that binds the two.
- Suitable means fit for purpose, sufficient enough.
The reason why God is a God of variety and He made us
all different is because difference gives us purpose. Difference is exactly why
we are here. Am not totally like you because I am your counterpart and complement.
Am not here to substitute you.
17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole [body] were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But now [as things really are], God has placed and arranged the parts in the body, each one of them, just as He willed and saw fit [with the best balance of function]. 19 If they all were a single organ, where would [the rest of] the body be?
1 Corinthians 12: 17-19
We are different because we gotta balance one another.
Different but belonging to one body. There is a reason why both man and woman
has ‘man’: it’s to say you gotta possess some similarity. Man not having ‘wo’
is to say though you look alike, you have come with differences. Now, two
walking together upon agreement also contextualize agreeing in differences. If
you cannot agree in differences, you can hardly agree. Sometimes you agree by
disagreeing. It’s questionable if you have someone you always agree with…no,
you may want to need someone who can say on this one am not agreeing with you,
someone who can constructively pick out some things in you not worthy agreeing
My last point would be: we are cool that we are alike,
but that we are different makes us even cooler. Remember, our difference is not
to make us different but to complement us. That is only possible if we can put
our differences in the right container. If we are agreeing, let’s agree both on
our strengths and weaknesses, both on the pleasant and awkward. When am weak,
you gotta be strong for me. Change your prayer, tell God about the difference too.
We are who we are because of that, once we try to eliminate the difference, we
are equally eliminating who we are. The question should be, how is this
difference supposed to complement me or complement the other person? And if it
needs fixing its faults, how are we supposed to do that to make this difference
the way God purposed it?
I wish you that you enjoy agreeing in your differences too. Till next time...
I love you all, thank you for reading through.
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