Don't Miss the Need


Don't Miss the Need

The relationship is no more but you still do not know what you did wrong.

Are you sure you didn't need someone you didn't need? Or are you sure you didn't make someone need you when they didn't need you?

Missing the need, sometimes that's perhaps the only wrong thing we did.

The destination of every relationship is known before it starts.
When a relationship graduates prematurely, normalise to sit down, reflect and analyse what went right and what went left. Don't go into another relationship without this insight instilling analysis. The most difficult stage of a relationship is not the starting stage, it is the stage before the starting stage. How things are before you actually get into it can tell where you are headed.

It's really surprising when you are in a relationship and the key figures in your life know nothing about it. I asked someone why is the relationship not known yet and the answer was, "I want to be sure first, then I will make it known"

Am like whaaat🥲🥲 yoh how did you even get into that relationship in the first place when you knew you are not sure of this person? Are you keeping it a secret so that you can easily put away the person?
What if this person got in with sincerity that you are the one they want to be with? And then after your uncertainty is certain that you were not certain, are you not gonna hurt the person? You know you will, and eeshh you are also kind-hearted, in the end you will not tell them that you were unsure -afraid of hurting them,,how complicated🥲

The thing is, some matters can be avoided before you get started with them. It's very very possible to be sure of what you are getting into before you get into it. Am saying, you can be sure of the person before you get into a relationship, you can be sure of what you need. Being sure is not a decision we make whilst in it.

About the key figures in your life; if you parents can't know of your relationship, you don't need one. If you can't tell your Pastor or your father in the Lord, you don't need one. If your friends know but not your parents or guardian nor your religious leaders, you don't need it buddy. ✍️This should be for some other day, but realise there are some wisdom only hidden in your parents and not your pastor, some in your pastor n not your parents. When you dishonour this wisdom, it may not end well with you.


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