It's not about what you can give a person, but what can you sacrifice for them. When you know you have got the missing piece, you guard it, you will go into places to watch over it.
Part 1: Introduction Well, I wanted to say something else today but I have been withheld from saying it yet. Instead today let's talk money. Today I was meditating on money and I was graced to write down something. Now, the question might be, are you financially healthy yourself that you want to share something in that context? What do you understand? Well, by fact I am not and I understand nothing about that context. That's why I won't be the one speaking. The prophetic me, the future me will do the speaking coz oooh yeeees am rich, am financially healthy, glory to God. Shall we? In this world we live, money is good. Following the history of money, money has come to be the standard medium through which life is governed. Today, life is sweet with good foods; the body needs shiny coverage, good clothes; sleeping is comfortable on a soft good bed; it is everyone’s desire to drive fancy cars; who doesn’t want to go get education and one time be called a...
Final Part 6: Laws of Financial Health 5 . Law of Survival There are two stages in most aspects of life that demands attention: the start of life and survival of life . It’s not easy to be born and neither is it to actually sustain that life. It’s one thing to get your finances moving, and it’s another thing to maintain the movement. Most people have had the chance of financial health but failed to sustain it. Financial health demands that you apply the law of survival if you wanna keep living a financial stress-free life. The law of survival seeks to sustain your finances. They say it is normal to fall, get up and walk again, but it’s also normal to get up, walk and never fall again. The latter is what we should normalize as our financial lifestyle, get on board and keep sailing. Risks and uncertainties are there yes but we are saying you can keep excelling as if these have never been there. You can live a life that people...
The Man's Standard This year let’s begin by talking a bit of a man’s standard. One of the things we got to continuously pay attention to is our standards. Either you gotta maintain or raise your standard. By literal definition, a standard is a state of excellence or quality. Excellence never is without what guides its being. Thus, a standard is further defined as a set of rules, pattern or principles agreed upon. It is this set of rules that produce excellence or quality when followed through. Now, rules or say principles help man to be singled out. Standard guards man. From the very beginning, God gave man a standard to function by. In man God fused excellence, quality of being and at the same time God guided man in a standard; principles by which man would sustain the excellence in him. 🪔There is a way man is supposed to function, such that he malfunctions when he functions out of this supposed way. It’s for this reason that you cannot do things anyhow as a person, you need ...
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