Blessed with Burden
Blessed with Burden
I was reflecting through my life a couple years ago, and I learnt these 4 things:
1. A burden produces a blessing
A burden produces a blessing. The reason on your head stands a certain kind of blessing is because there's a burden you need to address with that blessing. With a burden, you provoke a blessing to respond. Thus, in the absence of a burden, the blessing becomes a burden likely. Trust me, without the correspondent burden, the blessing can dismantle you.
Let the blessing find a burden in your heart. It will stay longer in the presence of a burden. May it be your prayer that God imprints in you a burden worthy the blessing. You are first blessed with a burden before you are blessed with the blessing.
2. A burden produces gratitude
A burden produces an attitude of gratitude prior to the blessing. Everything you are not grateful for, graduates from your life. You sustain the blessing with gratitude. Thus, without the burden, you can hardly realise the core need of the blessing at hand.
As such, God may bless you with the most expensive beautiful gift you can ever get, life, and end up living like you got multiples of it on this earth. You get life, but you live like you own your own life, and like there is no God you must give an account to. You have been blessed with you, but you might end up living like others. You may have the gift of people and end up treating them casually. You may have the gift of time and end up living like you can switch between times at your command. You may get a job and work with the sizakwathu-attitude. You may go to school and work with the bola 50-goal. You may get a relationship and treat that partner as one of your many choices. You may be blessed with marriage and behave like it's one of your accounts you can login and logout at your preference. No life is a mistake, and you will treat that child like one. It was not a mistake to be born in your family in Malawi, and you will live wishing you were born in that other family and country.
Listen, because you have carried and felt the burden, you learn how to treasure the addresser of your burden when it is present and available.
3. Every blessing demands a sacrifice
No blessing comes to you by the factor of chance. Every blessing demands a sacrifice; it is an exchange of currencies. You pay the price.
Genesis 12:1-2 (King James Bible)
📖 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: 2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
Every word of God has a promise attached to it. You don't get the promise before fulfilling the word that promises the promise. Every blessing has an instruction beforehand as its mining tool.
Listen, sacrifice for that blessing. That blessing will call you than usual to see, think, and talk in a certain way, to behave in a certain way, to dress in a certain way, to study in a certain way, to invest in a certain way, to love in a certain way, to position yourself in a certain way. Aha, the burden you carry will cause you to abandon yourself to find yourself. It will get you on your knees and cause you to utter certain kind of words. It will cause you to believe in an unbelievable way, it will cause you to draw a certain pattern for your life.
Summing it all, it is the sacrifice of faith we make in pursuit of the blessing. No man can please God without faith, and so you come to the altar and say, "God, this doesn't make sense, but alright, let's do this your way. Here, I offer my faith to you, I give my trust to you." You will say, "You want me to go where I don't know, okay. You want me to talk in this kinda way, okay. You want me to give in this way, okay. You want me to do this, okaaay."
You hear me, we offer a sacrifice of faith for the blessing. What's faith? Believing and acting on the word of God as it is. So, besides the burden you carry producing gratitude, it will also produce in you a sacrificial heart for the blessing. It will cause you to stop doing what you know and challenge you to know what you don't know, to do wh6at doesn't feel comfortable. You gotta pay the price; DO THE WORD and the promise follows.
4. Every blessing is a trust of responsibility
It has to be a natural thing for you to receive blessings because you are a blessing first. You attract blessings because you are one. And being one is a result of your obedience to the word of God. You don't become one automatically.
Now, every blessing is a trust of responsibility. You're responsible for how the blessing works. Responsibility (response + ability) is your ability to respond , in this case, to the blessing in a way that reflects it as a blessing indeed. No blessing operates on its own. You are the one who makes use of the blessing. Thus, God monitors the blessing in your hands, and you give an account of how you use it. The only blessing that is designed to operate on its own is YOU. You have been given as a blessing to your family, friends, partner, workplace, circle, etc, and to your country entirely. You are responsible for how you carry yourself as a blessing, and you will give an account to God of how you have been one.
You're responsible for growing your capacity, your character, your attitude, your presentation, and what have you. So as to be in a position to better serve with and grow the blessing. The scripture says you are bound to be trusted with more if you are faithful to what you have now. That's what we talking about, you can grow the blessing. Learn from the parable of the 3 talents (Matthew25:14-30). And learn from the same that God can revoke the blessing He's given you if you refuse to be responsible for it. God's gifts are without revocation, yeah yeah and there's that side of God too of revocation. When He wants, He will better take it from you and give it to someone who will make good use of it. I was in a minibus one day and some people were saying how wicked people who give keep on getting rich. Well, God would rather bless that wicked person who gives to His people than a believer who is stingy with the blessing. It is scripture, give and you will receive in the measure that you give. If the wicked give, God's word stands true on them, they will receive in the measure that they give. They keep getting rich because they give richly. How about you, what are you doing?
The last part is this and pay attention: God's blessing is not for you, it's for His people around you. The earlier you understand that you're just a carrier, the better you will serve with and grow the blessing. When you make the blessing about you, God can take it and give it to him who ministers it unto the people. You are blessed to bless. Don't take the blessing personal. Tell God you will minister grace unto His people with the blessing. Say that, and God doesn't skip dealing with you personally too. Make yourself the last beneficiary of the blessing and see how God makes you the first beneficiary.
My prayer for you is this: that God let every person under my voice who you have spoken to, and meant to increase his capacity through this word, let him be blessed when he doesn't only hear but also do what you've spoken to his life. For everyone who is faithful, let your word of increase be true. Reveal to this person the burden for which you have blessed and are blessing him so that we attain gratitude and responsibility for the blessing. For those who you are still building the burden in them, I pray that you give them strength to patience and endurance. It's not comfortable, so help them reciprocate to your doings; it won't make sense sometimes, but help them walk still to the sense end. In it all, let the glory belong to you forevermore, in Jesus name, AMEN.
Stay blessed y'all🔥
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