How to Balance Yourself


How to Balance yourself

An important question I got: How did you balance God, school, leadership, relationship, and all that you are?

I will always  say this: you balance matters by never balancing them. Don’t balance them, and you will have them balanced.

Let’s expound it this way: balance is a state of equilibrium, it’s a state where the matters at hand acquire equality. By equality, it means your matters rest on the same level. Now to begin with, God and your matters cannot be placed on the same level, it’s an error. Your school, relationship or whatever is not as important as God is. Hear me, your school, relationship and the concerned idea is important as God is when God is in your school,  in your relationship and your said matter. 

Balance is a matter of equality and I wouldn’t advise you on it in this scenario. Rather, the balance in question is a matter of priority. Thus, let us call this balance ”Stability “.

Have priorities and your matters will gain stability (balance, per the question). Know what matter comes first before the next. That alignment, that ranking is a factor of stability. Above all these, God gets the first rank, have that at heart. If your priorities doesn’t or won’t look like this, then imbalance surely will balance your matters. God holds things in place, if we don’t talk about Him, then I don’t know why we are talking about this in the first place. Let’s look at some practical ways how you can balance yourself.

1. Know your purpose

Without purpose, you are purposed to be without. You make sense when you walk in very reason why you exist. To know purpose, the prerequisite is for you to know God for yourself. Your relationship with Him is what drops the reason why He made the only someone as you. I quote Sir Wanangwa, “When purpose is known, decisions become clear.” With purpose, you will know why on your table you have the decisions of ministry,  school,  relationship, leadership, business, and what have you. Purpose makes us do what we do; we don’t do what we do to make purpose. Get an idea of why you are who you are, what you are, where you are, when you are and how you are.

2. Find meaning in what you do

Purpose gets you to be picky: it aligns you with things that have meaning to your purpose. Since purpose begins with God, you will have to understand  why you do certain things in a certain way. You will have to begin to understand that God has attached meaning to the school you’re doing, to the relationship you have, to the business you own or will own, to the places you step in, to the people you meet and etc. Therefore, if you casually do what God has attached meaning to, you will misrepresent God. Purpose helps you do what you do with purpose in mind. If purpose is in your mind, what you do will be done as a substance to your purpose. And you will certainly do this a certain way because you are a certain person carrying a certain thing. Do what has meaning to your purpose.

3. Do the right thing (what God has told you)

Not every good thing is the right thing. Within what has meaning to your purpose, make sure you do what is right. Yep, you can do the word of God, but the word of God without instruction can harm you. 

I remember early this year, a certain man walked to me with a medical prescription asking me for assistance. I took the prescription and I saw the cost of the drug he was told to get. I had just came out of Sana, and I had some good change. I opened my wallet and yoh right there my heart ran faster with a burn. I knew what was wrong so I breathed deeply and asked “okay buddy, how much do you want me to give him?” I gave as told, and my heart returned to normal.

My point is: giving is scriptural, it further says you will receive by the same measure that you give. Then, what was wrong with me wanting to give in the measure I wanted at first? Was I not just doing the word? Right, the problem was in who told me to give in that measure? Ndalamazo kukhala za Mulungu mwiniwakeyo, who was I to decide how much. It was supposed to be the owner, God himself.

That’s why am telling you, if God doesn’t instruct you, you will do school which you won’t use anyway; you will have a partner who you will not have anyway; you will do business that won’t materialise anyway, you will run ministry that won’t impact anyway. Let God tell you what to do whilst you’re within what is meaningful to your purpose. Remember, you do them a certain way; be instructed, lest God upsets your ideas just for the sake of His purpose for you.

4. Know when you should do the right thing

Lastly, God has His own timetable for what you do. Time is attached to what you do in their matters of priority. Therefore, time for school is time for school; time for a relationship is time for one; time for ministry is time for one; time for this is not time for that. Hear me, you might be doing something meaningful yes with an instruction, but when you do it outside the instructed time, you spark a conflict with what is supposed be happening at such a time. 

Wrapping up, what have we talked about: Align your priorities with God at at the top. Let Him help you orderly list down meaningful things you’re supposed to occupy yourself with in pursuit of purpose. Do them rightly at their assigned time. You do that and stability is your feet.


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