Stop Believing in Yourself
Stop believing in yourself
Something I learnt doing early but understood later: “Don’t believe in yourself.”
How can you make it in life if you don’t believe in yourself? Exactly, today the world advocates the self attitude. We are told to at least have the ability to tell ourselves that we can do it! The funny thing is: how many times have you told yourself you can do it and you never did it? How many times have you told yourself you got this and you never got it?
It might sound strange to you, but it’s an error to believe in yourself. Nowhere in the Bible to my studying so far, have I been told to believe in myself, to trust myself. But I have been told repeatedly to believe God, to believe in God, to trust God, to trust in God...for those who trust in themselves are fools (Proverbs 28:26). Lean not on your own understanding but trust God with ALL your heart. Plainly, Jesus was like you know what, abide in me and I in you; for without me you can DO NOTHING. It is then further said, you do what you do because it is God who works in you both to will and to DO...
And it is interesting how the Lord said come to me all you who are weary and burdened. It’s interesting again how He was like it is not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick.
Yoh, so you say you can do it? Who told you? Yet the Lord without Him said you can’t. If it’s Him enabling you to do, who then is doing it: you or Him? Coz if you feel you’re healthy and got enough strength to do it, you don’t need Jesus. For He is for those who can’t, for His power is perfected in our weakness and so I will boast for when am weak, I am is written. Believe in yourself huh? What’s there to believe in ourselves if not Jesus? When you believe in yourself, you are the Lord of yourself, ouch!!!
Hey buddy, stop believing in yourself, stop believing you can do it. But believe that God in you is gonna do it again and again and again. Be weary, be unable, be sick and the Jesus who came for such surely is made manifest. Not by power, not by might, but by the Spirit of God...yeees we gonna do it and we gonna make it. For it is no longer we that liveth, but Christ in us. Don’t believe in yourself; believe in God in yourself.
#It matters what you believe
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