Why Do We See Beauty First?
Why Do We See Beauty First?
A couple of days ago, we were talking with my brother and he asked a question that got me excited and all that: why do we see beauty first when approaching a woman? Yoh, it sparked some curiosity in me further to the answer I gave.
The simple reason first of all is because we take after our Father. You’re normal and okay if what you see first is beauty. It is a natural character that we possess in likeness of God. You see, in several places we see God exercising this character in first chapter of Genesis. We find the words “God saw it was good, and God saw it was good, and God saw everything He had made, and, behold, it was very good.’’ God took the first initiative to see, and good enough what He saw was not just good but very good at the end of the day. The woman we are talking about remember she is something that God took His time on: she is very good in making. That’s why when you see her, what you see first is the crafting hands of God on her. When God saw her, He said it’s good. How then can you look at her and don’t behold the glory of God on her?
Didn’t you see Adam when the woman was brought to him? Remember he was in deep sleep; his eyes were closed. But the next time he opened them, behold, he saw a figure before him and was like ehedee this is now someone like me. Didn’t you read about Abraham and Isaac who told their wives that you know what you’re fair to look at (sight) and you will get me killed if I don’t say you’re my sister. Rachel had a lovely figure and was beautiful, guess what happened; Jacob loved her. Listen, when God brings before you a man or woman; He will first ask you if you like what you see. Before you start thinking and talking about him or her, you will have to approve of your contentment of what you saw. Fast forward, for man to fall it was because of the eyes; they saw something they liked. There’s something interesting about sight, that’s why you most times happen to see first before you talk what you see. Let’s talk something I found out about sight.
Where there is no vision (sight), people perish. That’s one of the reason Jesus was anointed for; to bring recovery of sight to the blind. It is a must that you see: your Christianity requires your sense of sight to be active, for a prudent man foreseeth evil, and hideth himself. There’s a danger when you have no vision, when you are not able to see. That’s why you all have a picture, a sight, a vision of the man or woman you want. Even the faith we talk about: it is the evidence of things not seen. Faith allows us to have a picture, a sight, a vision of things that are invisible. It is by the same faith that we get to hope that these things will manifest visibly. What are you hoping for if you can’t see a thing? I have heard some brothers say, ndasiya za mahope zi mxiew. Bro, that’s a sign that you have lost the picture that caused you to hope. See again!
Now listen, the man or woman that you will encounter will have to map to the picture you see. He or she will have to possess some colours that are in your picture. One of it is presentation: in here are a couple of things like her physical appearance, her dressing, her smell (We one time mentioned this in Your Shot as a Woman). When she walks in front of you, physical appearance and dressing are usually the first things that gets you say woow okay there she goes. Do you like what you see? Is she painting the vision you possess? It’s here where you go mmm yeeah she is beautiful but she dresses undressing herself; or you go indeee she is beautiful but she is not the complexion I was hoping for; she’s the exact complexion I was hoping for but not the figure I was picturing; Or yeah all good but not the height I wanted you know. Fine and good, details to your preference I see and it’s okay.
Next to this: it’s where you need a good conversation with God. God will never bring someone outside you, it’s always someone within things about you. Listen good, the devil also knows what you picture and he can also bring a person before you. That’s why we said, it’s good when your sense of sight is active. She is beautiful like your picture yes, but she dresses herself to nakedness. Will beauty be what will push you to have her? Absolutely, erase her from among your choices. Okay, this one is beautiful, but not the complexion, height, figure or whatever preference in your picture; what to do. Easy, remember God will only bring someone within things about you. This might be time to now think and talk what you saw. I think this is now where you ask God what is there to her or him that makes him or her a colour in your picture. As you know the person you start seeing now beyond the physical and dressing. You begin to see matters that really matters to your vision as a product of God, and that makes them beautiful and handsome the more and more. Some preferences can be adjusted. God will not bring you the right person but the right candidate, remember. Some things like figure of the person is something you can develop in a person. God will not present you a finished product but a raw material to produce sometimes the exact or a look-alike of your picture. Sometimes, God will upset your picture just to give you His picture, it’s alright. She might not be the colour you wanted; but if she is the colour you need, then she is worthy it. So yeah, see that beauty first but remember to again to see the the invisible colours painting her or him. There are always certain colours towards your picture that you will not see on the first encounter. The first colour you see if you like it is what gets to be access to other colours.
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